5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (2024)

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After completing this section, you should be able to

  • write the expression for the Ka of a weak acid.
  • convert a given Ka value into a pKa value, and vice versa.
  • arrange a series of acids in order of increasing or decreasing strength, given their Ka or pKa values.
  • arrange a series of bases in order of increasing or decreasing strength, given the Ka or pKa values of their conjugate acids.
    Key Terms

    Make certain that you can define, and use in context, the key terms below.

    • acidity constant, Ka
    • equilibrium constant, Keq
    Study Notes

    Calculations and expressions involving Ka and pKa were covered in detail in your first-year general chemistry course. Note that acidity constant is also known as the acid dissociation constant.

    You are no doubt aware that some acids are stronger than others. Sulfuric acid is strong enough to be used as a drain cleaner, as it will rapidly dissolve clogs of hair and other organic material.

    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (1)

    Not surprisingly, concentrated sulfuric acid will also cause painful burns if it touches your skin, and permanent damage if it gets in your eyes (there’s a good reason for those safety goggles you wear in chemistry lab!). Acetic acid (vinegar), will also burn your skin and eyes, but is not nearly strong enough to make an effective drain cleaner. Water, which we know can act as a proton donor, is obviously not a very strong acid. Even hydroxide ion could theoretically act as an acid – it has, after all, a proton to donate – but this is not a reaction that we would normally consider to be relevant in anything but the most extreme conditions.

    The relative acidity of different compounds or functional groups – in other words, their relative capacity to donate a proton to a common base under identical conditions – is quantified by a number called the acid dissociation constant, abbreviated Ka. The common base chosen for comparison is water.

    We will consider acetic acid as our first example. When a small amount of acetic acid is added to water, a proton-transfer event (acid-base reaction) occurs to some extent.

    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (2)

    Notice the phrase ‘to some extent’ – this reaction does not run to completion, with all of the acetic acid converted to acetate, its conjugate base. Rather, a dynamic equilibrium is reached, with proton transfer going in both directions (thus the two-way arrows) and finite concentrations of all four species in play. The nature of this equilibrium situation, as you recall from General Chemistry, is expressed by an equilibrium constant, K.

    The equilibrium constant is actually a ratio of activities (represented by the symbol \(a\)), but activities are rarely used in courses other than analytical or physical chemistry. To simplify the discussion for general chemistry and organic chemistry courses, the activities of all of the solutes are replaced with molarities, and the activity of the solvent (usually water) is defined as having the value of 1.

    In our example, we added a small amount of acetic acid to a large amount of water: water is the solvent for this reaction. Therefore, in the course of the reaction, the concentration of water changes very little, and the water can be treated as a pure solvent, which is always assigned an activity of 1. The acetic acid, acetate ion and hydronium ion are all solutes, and so their activities are approximated with molarities. The acid dissociation constant, or Ka, for acetic acid is therefore defined as:

    \[ K_{eq} = \dfrac{a_{CH_3COO^-}·a_{H_3O^+}}{a_{CH_3COOH}·a_{H_2O}} ≈ \dfrac{[CH_3COO^-][H_3O^+]}{[CH_3COOH][1]} \nonumber \]

    Because dividing by 1 does not change the value of the constant, the "1" is usually not written, and Ka is written as:

    \[ K_{eq} = K_{a} = \dfrac{[CH_3COO^-][H_3O^+]}{[CH_3COOH]} = 1.75 \times 10^{-5} \nonumber \]

    In more general terms, the dissociation constant for a given acid is expressed as:

    \[ K_a = \dfrac{[A^-][H_3O^+]}{[HA]} \label{First} \]


    \[ K_a = \dfrac{[A][H_3O^+]}{[HA^+]} \label{Second} \]

    Equation \(\ref{First}\) applies to a neutral acid such as like HCl or acetic acid, while Equation \(\ref{Second}\) applies to a cationic acid like ammonium (NH4+).

    The value of Ka = 1.75 x 10-5 for acetic acid is very small - this means that very little dissociation actually takes place, and there is much more acetic acid in solution at equilibrium than there is acetate ion. Acetic acid is a relatively weak acid, at least when compared to sulfuric acid (Ka = 109) or hydrochloric acid (Ka = 107), both of which undergo essentially complete dissociation in water.

    A number like 1.75 x 10- 5 is not very easy either to say or to remember. Chemists often use pKa values as a more convenient term to express relative acidity. pKa is related to Ka by the following equation

    \[pK_a = -\log K_a \nonumber \]

    Doing the math, we find that the pKa of acetic acid is 4.8. The use of pKa values allows us to express the acidity of common compounds and functional groups on a numerical scale of about –10 (very strong acid) to 50 (not acidic at all). Table \(\PageIndex{1}\) at the end of the text lists exact or approximate pKa values for different types of protons that you are likely to encounter in your study of organic and biological chemistry. Looking at Table \(\PageIndex{1}\), you see that the pKa of carboxylic acids are in the 4-5 range, the pKa of sulfuric acid is –10, and the pKa of water is 14. Alkenes and alkanes, which are not acidic at all, have pKa values above 30. The lower the pKa value, the stronger the acid.

    Table \(\PageIndex{1}\): Representative acid constants

    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (3)
    sulfuric acid
    pKa −10

    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (4)
    hydrochloric acid
    pKa −7

    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (5)
    pKa 0.00

    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (6)
    protonated ketone
    pKa ~ −7

    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (7)
    protonated alcohol
    pKa ~ −3

    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (8)
    phosphate monoester
    pKa ~ 1
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (9)
    phosphate diester
    pKa ~ 1.5
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (10)
    phosphoric acid
    pKa 2.2
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (11)
    protonated aniline
    pKa ~ 4.6
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (12)
    carboxylic acid
    pKa ~ 4-5
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (13)
    pKa 5.3
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (14)
    carbonic acid
    pKa 6.4
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (15)
    hydrogen cyanide
    pKa ~ 9.2
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (16)
    pKa 9.2
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (17)
    pKa 9.9
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (18)
    pKa ~ 10-11
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (19)
    pKa 14.00
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (20)
    pKa ~ 17
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (21)
    pKa ~ 16-18
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (22)
    pKa ~ 18-20
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (23)
    terminal alkyne
    pKa ~ 25
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (24)
    terminal alkene
    pKa ~ 35
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (25)
    pKa ~ 35

    It is important to realize that pKa is not the same thing as pH: pKa is an inherent property of a compound or functional group, while pH is the measure of the hydronium ion concentration in a particular aqueous solution:

    \[pH = -\log [H_3O^+] \nonumber \]

    Any particular acid will always have the same pKa (assuming that we are talking about an aqueous solution at room temperature) but different aqueous solutions of the acid could have different pH values, depending on how much acid is added to how much water.

    Our table of pKa values will also allow us to compare the strengths of different bases by comparing the pKa values of their conjugate acids. The key idea to remember is this: the stronger the conjugate acid, the weaker the conjugate base. Sulfuric acid is the strongest acid on our list with a pKa value of –10, so HSO4- is the weakest conjugate base. You can see that hydroxide ion is a stronger base than ammonia (NH3), because ammonium (NH4+, pKa = 9.2) is a stronger acid than water (pKa = 14.00).

    The stronger the conjugate acid, the weaker the conjugate base.

    While Table \(\PageIndex{1}\) provides the pKa values of only a limited number of compounds, it can be very useful as a starting point for estimating the acidity or basicity of just about any organic molecule. Here is where your familiarity with organic functional groups will come in very handy. What, for example, is the pKa of cyclohexanol? It is not on the table, but as it is an alcohol it is probably somewhere near that of ethanol (pKa = 16). Likewise, we can use Table \(\PageIndex{1}\) to predict that para-hydroxyphenyl acetaldehyde, an intermediate compound in the biosynthesis of morphine, has a pKa in the neighborhood of 10, close to that of our reference compound, phenol.

    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (26)

    Notice in this example that we need to evaluate the potential acidity at four different locations on the molecule.

    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (27)

    pKa Ha ~ 10
    pKa Hb = not on table (not acidic)
    pKa Hc ~ 19
    pKa Hd = not on table (not acidic)

    Aldehyde and aromatic protons are not at all acidic (pKa values are above 40 – not on our table). The two protons on the carbon next to the carbonyl are slightly acidic, with pKa values around 19-20 according to the table. The most acidic proton is on the phenol group, so if the compound were to be reacted with a single molar equivalent of strong base, this is the proton that would be donated first.

    As you continue your study of organic chemistry, it will be a very good idea to commit to memory the approximate pKa ranges of some important functional groups, including water, alcohols, phenols, ammonium, thiols, phosphates, carboxylic acids and carbons next to carbonyl groups (so-called a-carbons). These are the groups that you are most likely to see acting as acids or bases in biological organic reactions.

    A word of caution: when using the pKa table, be absolutely sure that you are considering the correct conjugate acid/base pair. If you are asked to say something about the basicity of ammonia (NH3) compared to that of ethoxide ion (CH3CH2O-), for example, the relevant pKa values to consider are 9.2 (the pKa of ammonium ion) and 16 (the pKa of ethanol). From these numbers, you know that ethoxide is the stronger base. Do not make the mistake of using the pKa value of 38: this is the pKa of ammonia acting as an acid, and tells you how basic the NH2- ion is (very basic!)

    Example \(\PageIndex{1}\): Acidic Groups

    Using the pKa table, estimate pKa values for the most acidic group on the compounds below, and draw the structure of the conjugate base that results when this group donates a proton. Use the pKa table above and/or from the Reference Tables.

    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (28)


    a. The most acidic group is the protonated amine, pKa ~ 5-9

    b. Alpha proton by the C=O group, pKa ~ 18-20

    c. Thiol, pKa ~ 10

    d. Carboxylic acid, pKa ~ 5

    e. Carboxylic acid, pKa ~ 5

    Example \(\PageIndex{2}\)

    Acetic acid (CH3COOH) is known to have a pKa of 4.76. Please determine the Ka for acetic acid.


    Solving for Ka algebraically you get the following:

    pKa = -Log(Ka)

    -pKa = Log(Ka)

    10-pKa = Ka

    Using a calculator first enter in the value for the pKa (4.76). The make the number negative (-4.76). Next, use the inverse log function. All calculators are slightly different so this function may appear as: ANTILOG, INV LOG, or 10X. Often it is the second function of the LOG button.

    Ka for acetic acid = 10-pKa = 1.74 x 10-5


    1. Write down an expression for the acidity constant of acetic acid, CH3COOH.
    2. The pKa of acetic acid is 4.72; calculate its Ka.
    3. The Ka of benzoic acid is 6.5 × 10−5; determine its pKa.
    4. From your answers to the questions above, determine whether acetic acid or benzoic acid is stronger


    1. \(K_a = \dfrac{[CH_3CO_2^-][H^+]}{[CH_3CO_2H]} \) or \(K_a = \dfrac{[CH_3CO_2^-][H_3O^+]}{[CH_3CO_2H]}\)
    2. \(pK_a =− \log_{10} K_a =4.74\) Thus, log 10 K a = 4.72 and K a = anti-log(4.72) = 1.9× 10 5
    3. \(pK_a =−\log_{10} K_a =− \log_{10} 6.5 \times 10^{−5} =−(−4.19) =4.19\)
    4. Benzoic acid is stronger than acetic acid. [Benzoic acid has a higher Ka and a lower pKa.]
    5.2: Acid Strength and pKa (2024)


    How is strength of acid related to pKa value? ›

    pKa is the negative log base ten of the Ka value (acid dissociation constant). It measures the strength of an acid. The lower the value of pKa, the stronger the acid and the greater its ability to donate its protons.

    How do you know if a pKa acid is strong or weak? ›

    In addition, the smaller the pKa value, the stronger the acid. For example, the pKa value of lactic acid is about 3.8, so that means lactic acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid.

    What does a pKa of 5 mean? ›

    The pKa measures how tightly a proton is held by a Bronsted acid. A pKa may be a small, negative number, such as -3 or -5. It may be a larger, positive number, such as 30 or 50. The lower the pKa of a Bronsted acid, the more easily it gives up its proton.

    Does lower pKa mean stronger acid? ›

    The smaller pKa, the stronger the acid.

    What is the relationship between acid and pKa value? ›

    The pKa value is one method of determining an acid's strength. A lower pKa value denotes a more powerful acid. For example, a lower number indicates that the acid dissociates more entirely in water. Acetic acid, for example, has a pKa of 4.8, whereas lactic acid has a pKa of 3.8.

    What does it mean when pKa is 6? ›

    If the pKa is 6.0, then the value of Ka (or the acid disassociation constant) is the negative log of 6.0, or 10^-6. Given the assumption, and following Ostwald's theory of dilution, the amount of concentration times the degree of disassociation squared equals the acid disassociation constant.

    What is the pKa rule? ›

    The pK a difference between bases and acids (ΔpK a = pK a (base)-pK a (acid)), known as the "pK a rule" govern these states; pK a rule is a critical concept in crystal engineering and pharmaceutical development [64] . Empirically, ΔpK a > 4 indicates "salt," and ΔpK a < − 1 suggests a "cocrystal." ...

    What is the strongest acid pKa value? ›

    Sulfuric acid is the strongest acid on our list with a pKa value of –10, so HSO4- is the weakest conjugate base. You can see that hydroxide ion is a stronger base than ammonia (NH3), because ammonium (NH4+, pKa = 9.2) is a stronger acid than water (pKa = 14.00).

    What does a pKa of 4.8 mean? ›

    The lower the pKa value, the stronger the acid.

    For example, the pKa of acetic acid is 4.8, while the pKa of lactic acid is 3.8. Using the pKa values, one can see lactic acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid. The reason pKa is used is because it describes acid dissociation using small decimal numbers.

    What functional group has a pKa of 5? ›

    Carboxylic acid

    What is the most powerful acid in the world? ›

    Fluoroantimonic acid is the strongest acid ever discovered. Antimony, fluorine, and hydrogen are the main components. It is a mixture of hydrogen fluoride and antimony pentafluoride that contains a number of different cations and anions.

    How do you know if an acid is strong or weak based on pKa? ›

    So, strong acids have small pKa's (-15 — 1); they are unstable intact in water; they have small affinity for their protons and want to dissociate from them. Weak acids have large pKa's (2 — 50); they are stable because they have high affinity for their protons and want to stay bound to them.

    Is a higher pKa worse acid? ›

    pKa is negative of the logarithm of Ka. Thus, the higher the value of pKa, the weaker the acid is.

    What is the pKa of weak acid? ›

    pKa<3 is for a strong acid. 3<pKa<7 is for a weak acid. 7<pKa<11 is for a weak base. pKa>11 is for a strong base.

    Is the pKa value directly proportional to acidic strength? ›

    Ka values is directly proportional to the strength of acid. Whereas : pKa value is inversely proportional to the strength of acid. Means more the Ka value, more will be acidic strength , whereas : Lesser the pKa values , more the acidic strength.

    Does the strength of an acid increase as pKa increases? ›

    Ka (acid dissociation constant): As acid strength increases, the Ka value increases because the acid dissociates more readily in solution. pKa: As acid strength increases, the pKa value decreases since pKa is the negative logarithm of Ka, meaning a large Ka corresponds to a small pKa.

    Does bigger ka mean stronger acid? ›

    A high value of Ka for an acid means that it is a strong acid, and will readily dissociate into hydrogen ions and its conjugate base in solution.

    What is the relationship between pKa and the strength of an acid and the relationship between the pH and the acidity of a solution? ›

    Relative Acidity and pKa Values. An application of the Henderson-Hasselbach Equation is the ability to determine the relative acidity of compounds by comparing their pKa values. The stronger an acid, the greater the ionization, the lower the pKa, and the lower the pH the compound will produce in solution.


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