Glover Park Community Garden (2025)

1. glover park community garden

  • Draft revision 8 31 09

  • Website for the Glover Park Community Garden, one of Washington, DC's largest community gardens. Started as a Victory Garden during WW II, the garden sits on federal land within Rock Creek Park managed by the National Park Service (NPS).

2. Glover Park Gardens

  • Glover Park has two community “victory” gardens with plots available to the public. One is located at the corner of New Mexico Avenue and 42nd Street.

  • Glover Park has two community “victory” gardens with plots available to the public. Our gardens originally were WWII initiatives to conserve food during war.

3. Glover Park - Community Garden | Castle Rock, CO - Official Website

4. Victory Gardens | Glover Park History

  • The Glover-Archbold Park Community Garden is prominently located southwest of the intersection of 42nd Street and Tunlaw Road, while the Whitehaven ...

  • Glover-Archbold Park Community Garden, Whitehaven Community Garden

5. Staff Directory • Glover Park - Community Garden

  • Glover Park - Community Garden. Physical Address: 534 S Gilbert. St. Castle Rock, CO 80104. Email Parks Link: Glover Park page · Return to Staff Directory.

  • Physical Address:534 S Gilbert. St.Castle Rock, CO 80104Link: Glover Park page

6. Other People's Gardens: Glover Park Community Garden

  • Jul 9, 2009 · The second in my semi-regular series on community gardens around DC, the Glover Park Community Garden is actually less than a mile from the ...

  • The second in my semi-regular series on community gardens around DC, the Glover Park Community Garden is actually less than a mile from the Newark Street Community Garden where I have my plot.  But…

7. Glover-Archbald Community Garden - Eat Well Guide

  • Glover-Archbald Community Garden is one of DC's largest community gardens, almost 3 acres in total.It's situated on National Park Service land in ...

  • A great sustainable food spot found in the Eat Well Guide.

8. A Place to Grow - VOA News

  • Sep 11, 2020 · ((Michael Minton, Chairman, Glover Park Community Garden Association)) The Glover Park Community Garden Association started around 1939 and ...

  • ((PKG)) COMMUNITY GARDEN ((TRT: 13:21)) ((Banner: A Place to Grow)) ((Reporter/Camera: Gabrielle Weiss)) ((Map: Washington, DC)) ((Main characters: 7 female; 7 male)) ((NATS)) ((Michael Minton, Chairman, Glover Park Community Garden Association)) The Glover Park...

9. WETA Neighborhoods | Community Garden | Season 2006

  • Posted: Jun 30, 2006

  • The community garden in Glover Park is one of the few "victory garden" sites still in use.

Glover Park Community Garden (2025)


What problem do community gardens solve? ›

Neighborhoods with successful gardens: Combat food insecurity, both in quantity and quality. Build on the resources of cities, towns, and counties to deal with urban problems. Fight climate change by reducing the distance food travels, and minimize the carbon footprint of food.

Are community gardens worth it? ›

Community gardens can help reduce negative environmental impacts by promoting sustainable agriculture; reducing food transportation costs and reducing water runoff.

How long does it take to build a community garden? ›

Will it have individual or group plots? Invite neighbors, friends, church groups, garden clubs, and apartment dwellers: anyone who might be interested in getting the project off the ground. It can take more than a year to get all of the pieces in place for a successful community garden.

How do you get people interested in a community garden? ›

Be social. Bring gardeners together beyond work sessions. Host a planting party, a midsummer barbecue, and a harvest gathering to give gardeners a chance to interact. Some community gardens sponsor weekend gathering for volunteers and families, featuring a bring-your-own picnic or covered dish meal.

What are 3 benefits of a community garden? ›

Community gardens enhance nutrition and physical activity and promote the role of public health in improving quality of life. Opportunities to organize around other issues and build social capital also emerge through community gardens.

Why don't community gardens work? ›

But because it's not paid work or a family obligation, it can also be one of the first commitments to slide when life gets hectic. When members stop showing up, their plots can become overgrown or go to seed, inviting pests and keeping the garden from looking its best.

Do community gardens reduce crime? ›

Urban Gardening Reduces Vacant Lots

Most community gardens crop up in areas previously abandoned, reducing the number of untended, vacant lots in a city. Vacant lots are more than just an eyesore -- they also tend to increase crime. By renovating these spaces, urban gardeners help reduce violence and crime rates.

Do community gardens reduce food waste? ›

In addition, greenspaces in cities have been linked to better physical, mental and social health. This community effort can also help cut down on food miles, which can cause waste due to long transit times.

Do community gardens help mental health? ›

In addition to physical health benefits, community gardens help improve mental health and social connections. Studies have shown that gardening reduces stress and anxiety and promotes a sense of well-being. Community gardening, in particular, can decrease feelings of isolation and boost self-esteem.

How do community gardens make money? ›

A community garden thrives on its community members. Typically, they make money through ongoing memberships. These memberships can either be basic or provide ongoing gardening supplies. Additional revenue opportunities exist in gardening shops, seed shops, classes, and similar visitation experiences.

Where is the best place to start a community garden? ›

Look around your community and find land that is available, near water, and with decent soil or enough ground to build containers. Vacant lots are often a great option, as long as you can get permission from the lot's owner to build the garden there for the growing season.

What is a successful community garden? ›

Are there frequent get-togethers? How many folks are volunteering, spending significant time and resources to make the garden thrive? How many community partners are involved? Is the land secure? As described below, these are all indicators of well-functioning and “successful” community garden.

What are the disadvantages of a community garden? ›

Personality clashes are among the problems with community gardens. When people work closely together there are bound to be differences of opinion, jealousy, and other negative effects. Small conflicts can be exacerbated by cultural differences.

Which state has the most community gardens? ›

Which US States Most Dig Community Gardening?
RankStateCommunity Rank
1 more row
Jun 26, 2024

How big should a community garden be? ›

o 30-100 square feet is a great beginner garden size o 100-300 square feet of space is adequate for most households o 300-600 for more serious gardeners wanting to cook frequently and preserve food for winter. o More than 600 square feet can be a serious “mini-farm” supplying large quantities of food during the main ...

How do community gardens improve the sense of community? ›

Community gardening, in particular, can decrease feelings of isolation and boost self-esteem. These gardens provide a space for people to connect with others and to work collaboratively. This is especially important for people who may be isolated or have limited social networks.

How do gardens help the environment? ›

Earth-friendly Gardening benefits the environment.

Support pollinators and natural enemies. Save water and energy. Improve degraded soil for plant health and increased carbon capture. Recharge groundwater to keep it clean and abundant.

Why are community gardens important for kids? ›

Community gardens can enrich academic learning, nurture relationships, and create a positive neighborhood environment that enhances students' lives outside of school.

How do community gardens help climate change? ›

Sustainable gardening and landscaping techniques can slow future warming by reducing carbon emissions and increasing carbon storage in soil and plants.


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.