Pipestone County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Aug. 13, 2024 (2024)

Pipestone County Commissioner Meeting

August 13, 2024

The Pipestone County Commissioners met with Chairman Dallas Roskamp, Commissioners, Luke Johnson, Doug Nagel, Dan Wildermuth, and Chris Hollingsworth. County Administrator Steve Ewing was also present. Chairman Roskamp called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Motion by Wildermuth, seconded by Nagel to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hollingsworth to approve the consent agenda as follows:

1. Approve Commissioners Minutes: 7/23/2024

2. Approve Auditors Warrants: 7/26/24, 8/2/24, 8/9/24

3. Approve Commissioners Warrants in the amount of $465,337.61

4. Approve Hospital Warrants $686,316.28

Motion carried unanimously.

As per Minnesota Statute 375.12 the following Commissioner Warrants information is presented:

All Elements Inc (vendor name at payment), 83,732.50(total amount)

Southwest Health & Human Services, 51,122.09

Bueltel-Moseng Land Surveying, Inc, . 45,150.00

MN Dept Of Corrections, 37,191.00


Meinders Community Library, 23,505.00

Van Dyke Sanitation Inc, 16,174.74

Visa-First Bank & Trust, 15,848.84

Edgerton Public Library, 15,670.00

Pipestone County Sheriff’s Office, 14,468.97

Midwest Overhead Door LLC, 13,984.32

TrueNorth Steel, 12,464.84

Lincoln County Sheriff, 11,500.00

Counties Providing Technology, 10,334.00

O’Neill O’Neill & Barduson, 5,125.00

OPG 3 Inc, 4,374.32

Erickson Engineering Co Inc, 4,000.00

Bolton & Menk Inc, 3,607.00

Graham Tire SF North, 3,606.32

Double D Gravel, Inc, 3,145.75

Duininck Inc, . 3,071.39

Pipestone County Medical Center , 3,044.98

Christensen Broadcasting, 3,000.00

Hillyard Inc, 2,879.18


Nobles County Auditor Treasurer, 2,580.00

Cerberus LLC, 2,499.00

League of MN Cities Ins Trust P & C, 2,475.00


Edgerton Enterprise, 2,421.50

Dockendorf Equipment Co Inc, 2,298.75

EasyVista, Inc, 2,130.00

WARRANTS OVER $2,000, 436,154.05


WARRANTS UNDER $2,000, 29,183.56

TOTAL, 465,337.61


County Engineer Nick Bergman provided information on project updates, projects under contract and projects in the planning stage.

Engineer Bergman reported that work on County Road 17 is underway, tile has been installed, and first lift of gravel on two miles has been applied.

Engineer Bergman requested adoption of Resolution 59-18-24 Amending the Prioritized Bridge Replacement List effective August 13, 2023, and authorizing Administrator Ewing to sign the Resolution. A typo was noted on Bridge number 59159 and should be 59519. Motion by Wildermuth, seconded by Hollingsworth to approve Resolution 59-18-14 with the change in bridge number. Motion carried unanimously.

Engineer Bergman requested approval of Right Of Way Payment on SAP 059-599-139 to William and Heidi Thomssen for $250.00 and to pay as Auditor’s Warrant. Motion by Hollingsworth, seconded by Nagel to approve the payment as requested. Motion carried unanimously.

Engineer Bergman presented a request to approve design work on bridge 59519 to Erickson Engineering. Bridge is in Osborne Township, ½ mile East of CSAH 17 on 61st Street. Erickson Engineering submitted a bid for $56,454 and Bolton & Menk submitted a bid of $68,422. Motion by Nagel, seconded by Wildermuth to approve the bid of Erickson Engineering for $56,454. Motion carried unanimously.

Engineer Bergman reported that the State has awarded the county $700,000 in local bridge replacement funds for a Troy Township bridge. The plans had been developed by the Highway Department for the project, and the state awarded the funding as the project is ready to go.

Engineer Bergman reported that no time capsule was found at the Split Rock Creek Bridge Project. A new capsule has been installed. The East rail has been completed with the West side almost completed. He will put together a slide show of the project for a future meeting. There will be a plan for a ribbon cutting celebration in the future when the project has been completed.

Engineer Bergman reported on maintenance updates in the month of July. Crews were shouldering, hauling gravel, mowing and spraying ditches. June flood damage repairs have been completed. One new maintenance worker has started, another will be starting on Monday August 19th and advertising is in process for a third worker.


Human Resouces Director Carrie Mennis reported that the job posting for a Highway Maintenance Worker has not drawn any applicants and will remain open until filled. Corey Hakala, Jailer/Dispatcher has turned in his resignation effective August 25th. The position will be posted for hiring. An offer has been extended to fill the vacant part-time Highway Accountant position. Interviews will be scheduled for the open Highway Engineering Technician position, two applications were received and both will be interviewed. Director Mennis attended the MNPERLA conference recently in Brainerd.


Zoning/Environmental Director Kyle Krier presented a proposal from Architecture Incorporated, Sioux Falls, S.D. to evaluate the existing site of the Southwest Government Center property for the possibility of a future addition to the building for the USDA Farm Services Administration Office. The study will include one trip to the site to familiarize the team with construction type, materials, and basic life safety systems of the existing building. Evaluating the site for the addition, including an entry lobby, shared meeting space to accommodate 50 occupants at tables and chairs, shared restrooms to accommodate the added occupant load of the addition, approximately 2,500 square feet of office space for USDA, mechanical, electrical, storage, break room, and circulation space to accommodate the addition, parking requirements, building code requirements of the existing and proposed addition, preparing a preliminary floor plan and opinion of construction costs. Fee would be $15,000 and take 6 to 8 weeks to complete. Motion by Wildermuth, seconded by Nagel to approve the feasibility study. Motion carried unanimously.


Zoning Administrator Kyle Krier presented the annual Minnett Krantz Dam Operations and Maintenance checklist and report. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hollingsworth to approve the checklist and report. Motion carried unanimously. Administrator Krier will take care of the maintenance items including weed spraying and repair of the trash rack.

Kyle Krier reported that Ace Signs has installed the new outdoor sign at the Southwest Government Center Building. Jer’s Electric will be wiring the sign for lighting.


Wayne Drew, Building and Ground Supervisor presented quotes for the replacement of nine windows in the Law Enforcement Center and skylight glass at the entrance to the Courthouse Annex Center. The projects are scheduled for 2025. No other vendors provided quotes for the project.

W.L. Hall, Hopkins, MN. $30,081.00 Skylight Restoration Project

W.L Hall, Hopkins, MN. $95,384.00 Law Enforcement Center Windows

Motion by Nagel, seconded by Wildermuth to approve written quotes from W. L Hall for $125,765.00. Motion carried unanimously.


Wayne Drew, Building and Grounds Supervisor reported on activities at the 2024 Pipestone County Fair. Concrete pad for KLOH Radio was installed, Pipestone Holdings will be building a sandbox with a roof over it for children to play in, grandstand lights changed to LED fixtures, new fans and lights in the open class building, hydrant at the horse barn is leaking and needs to be replaced and will require digging it up, received a $10,175 ag grant for doors on the horse barn and sheep barn. The bathrooms at the blue building were vandalized by unknown individuals. Fair liability insurance increased dramatically this year from $700 in 2023 to over $7,000 in 2024. Due to insurance issues the antique tractor pull was not held.


Administrator Ewing requested that two commissioners be appointed to an Affordable Housing Committee to bring recommendations back to the board on how to spend the state Aid funding that the county is receiving through 2027. The county will be receiving $207,714 in aid. Commissioner Wildermuth reported that SMOC out of Worthington is not providing this type of service. Motion by Hollingsworth, seconded by Johnson to appoint Commissioners Wildermuth and Nagel to the Affordable Housing Committee. Motion carried unanimously.


Administrator Ewing reported that Judicial Ditch 1 Committee member John Shaffer has tendered his resignation from the committee. The committee recommended contacting Mr. Larry DeJongh to see if he had interest in being appointed. Administrator Ewing contacted Mr. DeJongh and he is willing to serve on the committee. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Wildermuth to appoint Larry DeJongh to the Judicial Ditch Committee. Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Allen Lysdahl and Mr. Dan Tate from Wadena, Minnesota presented information on a grass roots proposal to have one State Senator representing each county in Minnesota. Currently there are 67 Senators representing all of Minnesota with some rural senators representing multiple counties and in the metro area having multiple senators representing individual counties. Commissioners thanked the gentlemen for the information and wished them well on their grass roots project.


Sheriff Keith Vreeman and Chief Deputy Mike Haman presented their proposed 2025 budget for the Sheriff’s Office, County Jail, and County Dispatch. No action was taken.


Commissioner Johnson, District 8 Land Use, SRDC, Solid Waste, MRC, PCMC Board, MRC Transportation, Prime Health, MRC, SW Solid Waste, MHA Conference, Ditch Committee, Highway 23 Coalition, SWCD, PCMC Plant Ops.

Commissioner Nagel, SWCD, SWHHS, Building and Grounds.

Chairman Roskamp, Plum Creek Library, Fair Board, RMEB, Fair Board, Missouri River Partnership.

Commissioner Hollingsworth, Explore SW MN, CPT Executive Board, PCMC Board.

Commissioner Wildermuth, PCMC Plant Ops, Explore SW MN, PACE/RMEB, Forward Pipestone, Pipeatone Area Coalition, SW18 Mental Health, SMOC Zoom, SMOC Annual Meeting, RMEB, SWHHS, Prime West Transportation, Pipestone Area Coalition, Building and Grounds, SW18 Mental Health.

Motion by Wildermuth, seconded by Nagel to adjourn. Ayes, Nagel, Roskamp, Hollingsworth, Wildermuth. Nayes, none. Commissioner Johnson left the meeting early. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

Dallas Roskamp

Pipestone County Board Chairman


Steven Ewing

County Administrator

Pipestone County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Aug. 13, 2024 (2024)


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